Top Properties

5.500 €

Industrial Place 1500sqm for rent

Echedoros, kalochori

1.100 €

Store 78sqm for rent

Pefka, Delasal

700 €

Store 60sqm for rent

Pefka, Strofi Filirou

3.200 €

Office 380sqm for rent

Thermi, Thermi

290 €

Store 80sqm for rent

Lagadas, Chrysavgi

2.200 €

Warehouse 1200sqm for rent

Echedoros, kalochori

2.000 €

Office 390sqm for rent

Echedoros, kalochori

900 €

Store 135sqm for rent

Pefka, Strofi Filirou

4.000 €

Commercial Place 700sqm for rent

Thermi, Thermi

500 €

Store 140sqm for rent

Echedoros, Diavata

2.500 €

Store 110sqm for rent

Thermi, Thermi

1.000 €

Store 230sqm for rent

Echedoros, Diavata

4.000 €

Industrial Place 1500sqm for rent

Mikra, kardia

2.200 €

Commercial Place 250sqm for rent


10.500 €

Industrial Place 2322sqm for rent

Thermi, Thermi

2.400 €

Other Professional 700sqm for rent

Mikra, kardia

2.800 €

Office 400sqm for rent

Thermi, Thermi

2.000 €

Store 350sqm for rent

Echedoros, Diavata

11.000 €

Industrial Place 4000sqm for rent

Mygdonia, Anthoupoli (Anthokipoi)

3.100 €

Industrial Place 825sqm for rent

Thermaikos, Aerodromio

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